Music school director in Monheim, Jörg Sommerfeld, on the decision for doozzoo:
We are particularly pleased that we were able to procure licenses for all students from a German specialist provider for music lessons via video. In particular, the important issue of data protection is thus very well solved. But also the special functions of this software go well beyond what is musically possible with the usual video conferencing programs.
We are pleased that the city of Monheim, as one of Germany’s leading cities in digitalization, has chosen doozzoo. In close cooperation with the music school, it was possible to successfully implement video lessons at the Monheim music school as early as the beginning of April 2020 and to provide up to 90% of the nearly 1,000 students in instrumental and voice lessons.
For the introduction, five teachers were trained in the use of doozzoo in an online seminar. The Monheim Music School had its own support team, consisting of doozzoo-trained teachers, to answer inquiries from fellow teachers, students and parents, and in more complex cases, to forward them to doozzoo.
With this two-tiered support, all inquiries were successfully resolved. Due to the close exchange between the doozzoo developers and the music school in Monheim, it was possible to respond directly to the needs.
This resulted in an intuitive and easy-to-use administration level with which teachers and students can be easily created and administered centrally by an employee of the music school in Monheim.
Due to the positive experiences, the Monheim Music School is considering offering online lessons in the future – after “Corona” – as a fixed component in a hybrid concept of face-to-face and online lessons.
RP-Online from 19.04.2020 -> Monheim music school offers distance learning starting MondayThe music school is launching an online offering for all its instrumental and vocal students starting Monday, April 20. According to city spokesman Norbert Jakobs, this distance learning is free of charge.